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updated 04/01/11


http://www.arceurotrade.co.uk/ - UK on-line retailer for tools and machinery
http://www.bergeon.ch/ - Swiss manufacturer for watchmaking tools and machinery
http://www.boehler-minitool.com/ - small model making machinery
http://www.busch.eu/ - manufacturer of rotating tools and drills
http://www.byrnesmodelmachines.com/ - modelling table saws and sanders
- UK on-line retailer for tools and machinery
http://www.thecooltool.com/ - manufacturer of Unimat 1 machinery and german/austrian importer für Sherline machine tools
http://www.clisby.com/ - miniature lathe and milling machine from 'Down Under'
http://www.cowells.com/ - model and watchmaking machinery
- German on-line retailer for tools and machinery
http://www.dick.biz/ - fine woodworking and japanese tools
http://www.dremel.com/Europe.html - hand-held drills and rotating inserts
- German retailer for watchmaking tools and machinery
http://www.feinewerkzeuge.de/ - fine woodworking tools
http://www.goldschmiedebedarf.de/catalog/ - on-line retailer for jewellery tools
- on-line retailer for modelling tools
http://www.honauer.com/ - files and information on files
http://www.horia.ch/ - watchmaking machinery for rich people
http://www.rmgb.de/jacobi/Zirkel12.html - manufacturer of proportional dividers
- on-line retailer for jewellery and watchmaking tools
http://www.joke.de/ - rotating burrs and grinding tools
http://www.kempf-tools.de/ -
carbide micro-drills and -mills - if you can afford them
http://www.kometdental.de/ - rotating burrs and other dental tools
http://www.metalsmith.co.uk/metal-forming_tools.htm - small sheet-metal forming machines
http://www.micromark.com/ - on-line retailer for modelling tools
http://www.micro-tools.com/ - fine tools for camera repairs and watchmaking
http://www.wms-moeller.de/ - tools and machinery, Saupe spare parts
http://www.peatol.com/ - UK importer of Taig modular model-making lathe
http://www.preac.com/ - US american small machine tool manufacturer
http://www.proxxon.de/ - small machine tools
http://www.rai-ro.de/ - modelling tools, 'novelties'
http://www.rc-machines.com/ - Luxembourg-based importer of chinese/taiwanese machinery and tools
- UK-based importer of chinese/taiwanese machinery and tools
http://www.selva.de/ - german hobby-clockmaking supply house
- carbide micro-drills and -mills - if you can afford them
http://www.uhrmacherwerkzeug.net/ - on-line store for watchmaking machinery and tools
http://www.zollwerkzeuge.de/ - friendly tool and machinery shop in Berlin
http://www.sherline.com/ - US American manufacturer of small lathes and milling machines
http://www.taigtools.com/ - US American manufacturer of modular lathes and milling machines
http://www.technikmodern.at/ - tools and machinery in Vienna

http://www.zubels-shop.de/ - fine woods and woodworking tools

Contact: webmaster at wefalck dot eu


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