Sail plan and
lines drawings of a Rahschlup drawn by Joachim
Möller, c. 1846 (Schiffahrtsmuseum
On this page the reconstruction of a
single-masted coastal trader, a so-called Rahschlup,
that was specific to German Baltic coastal area of Pomerania is
described. As very little historical evidence remains, this will
be a long journey of research and then reconstruction as
waterline model in the 1/160 (N-scale). The process will be
documented in form of a building log, with the newest post on
top. The used historical information and other sources can be
accessed using the buttons on the bar below.
Model - A building log
The building log is
organised in that way, that the newest post will be on top for
easy monitoring of progress.
... Installing the wales - 09.03.25 - It was fortunate that
the upper edge of the wale was marked in the original drawings. I
had transferred this to the bulkheads and cut appropriate notches.
Somehow, however, these notches turned out to be not very useful
as I would have to score the whole core of the hull accordingly,
which would have been messy. In the end, I ignored them, though
used their upper edge as guidance for placing the wales. I have no
information on their dimension, but thought that a width of 240 mm
= 1.5 mm looked about right on the hull. They would have been
probably composed of two thick planks. For the thickness I choose
0.75 mm, as the hull-planking will be 0.5 mm thick. Contemporary
pictures and naval construction books show both options, smooth
hulls, where the thicker wales are not visible and step-changes in
thickness. I think smooth hulls became fashionable around the
middle of the 19th century, but in the Baltic they were always
lagging a bit behind, so I went for the stepped design.
Perhaps this is a problem of building up the planking around a
solid core, but the way how the wales run against the gilling at
the stern caused me some head-scratching. The point where the
upper edge of the wale touches the gilling is marked in the
original drawings, but it is not clear, where the lower edge
touches it. While the wales have an easy run all along the ship,
at this point some twisting is needed.
I had not done any planking with styrene before. It turned out to
be quite simple: unlike wood, it does not have grain of course and
strips can be easily bent and twisted even across the long sides.
Pulling the strips around a round piece of e.g. steel causes the
strips to curl and one can thus achieve a nice pre-bending without
the need of much clamping force, when cementing them on.
Nevertheless, the wales were attached with the recently discovered
artificial nail cement, that is a mixture of light-curing acrylic
cement and cyanoacrylate. It sets fast, but not so fast that no
adjustment would be possible. I let it seep under the wales
attached to the hull with Sellotape. Hereby I worked from the more
complicated stern forward in more or less long sections, depending
on the curvature.
Final clean-up will be done, once the rest of the planking has
gone onto the full, with the view to blend everything nicely
01.03.25 - Quick update - In between travels I managed to
attach the outboard part of the covering boards. I also scraped
all the pieces to the same level, but some of the joints will need
a bit of filling with putty to give a uniform appearance of a
single board.
16.02.25 - Slow Progress (as usual) - The run of the
planking and their layout will be determined by three structural
members, namely the rail on the bulwark as upper edge, the
covering board, which marks the lower edge of the bulwark and the
upper edge of which is marked in the original drawings, and the
wales, the upper edge of which are also marked in the original
In order to physically define the top edge of the covering board,
the waterways have to be installed first. The consist of a 1 mm x
1 mm styrene strip running along the inside of the bulwark
stanchions. This is thicker than the actual water ways would be,
but the thickness includes that of the covering board inside the
bulwark stanchions. The space between the stanchions was filled
with small pieces of 1 mm x 1.5 mm styrene strip. This is a tad
wider than needed, but allows me to sand them down to the actual
profile outside of the stanchions. While in theory the stanchions
are spaced equidistant, the filling pieces still required a bit of
sanding to fit them snuggly.
There are actually many different designs for the
waterway/covering board arrangement and not any particular
construction method is being followed here. The idea is to give
the right visual impression after painting, not to follow
prototype construction method. In fact, it would have been rather
difficult to cut out the notches for the stanchions from the
styrene strip representing the covering board at these dimensions,
as would have been the prototype method.
The arrangement will be completed by a 0.5 mm x 0.75 styrene strip
that will be shaped to a half-round profile using a scraper
fashioned from a piece of razor-blade and that will be cemented
along the upper edge of the covering board.
01.02.25 - Filling the
spaces between the bulkheads - After careful checking, the
bulkheads were now cemented in place with Acrifix 192®, which is
essentially liquid, unpolimerised Plexiglas®. This basically
unifies two pieces with the same material, resulting in a
virtually indestructible bond. Together with the tight fit in the
milled slots, a very rigid framework resulted.
In order to facilitate fairing the bulkheads and prevent the very
thin and flexible planking with styrene strips from sagging in,
the space between them was filled with Rohacell® foam-board (,
which is an acrylic equivalent to Styrofoam, but much harder and
finer grained. I actually used material left over from the first
project I built this way back in the early 1980s. It is sufficient
to glue the pieces in place with general purpose glue.
The bulwark stanchions are actually very fragile and to support
them during fairing and being able to turn over the hull, the
spaces between them were also filled with Rohacell™, but this unit
was not glued down to the rest. Unfortunately, I still managed to
snap one stanchion … Grrr.
The fillers were ground back to the bulkheads, the edges of which
were blackened with a permanent marker to indicate when I touched
them. I then progressed to fair the bulkheads.
In the meantime, also pieces for the gill and the transom were
drawn and laser-cut from Canson-paper and then soaked in
zapon-varnish. At time when this ship was built, transoms often
had carved elements and false windows, low-relief pilasters etc.
as indicated in the original drawing. These were built up in two
layers on a backing layer. Carved profiles were imitated with thin
wire glued into place. The gill was also built up in three layers.
When I offered up the gill piece to the ‘counter timbers’ and
checked, how the hull planking would run up against it, I realised
that something was wrong. The last bulkhead was too full in the
lower part, but completely conformed with the line in the original
drawings. After some head-scratching and careful analysis of all
the lines in the original drawings, it dawned on me that, while
the rearmost frame was projected into the same plane as the other
frames, it was in fact the profile of a cant-frame the trace of
which was drawn onto the waterline-drawing. Some rough lofting
confirmed that suspicion.
There was no way of breaking off the faulty bulkhead due to the
strong bond mentioned above. I had to shape the counter as is done
in bread-and-butter construction. In fact, it might have been
better to build up this area of complex curves from layers of
Plexiglas right away. This kind of ships’ counters are not so easy
to deduct from the lines drawings and to understand in its complex
geometry – at least not, if you are not a trained naval architect.
With the help of diamond burrs and files I managed to arrive at
reasonable ‘free-form’ representation of the stern and trust that
eventually the construction mistake will not be visible. After
these corrections the gill-piece and the transom were glued into
Spaces between the
bulkhead filled with Rohacell® foam-board
Looking up through the
Plexiglas bottom-plate
The misconceived
The correctly
shaped counter and ornate transom
Bow view of the hull ready for
the planking layout
- Continuing with the bulkheads - Progress
over December was slow, due to a couple of travels and a visitor
over Christmas, but quite steady. All parts of the backbone have
now been cut out and sanded/filed to shape. Dimensional accuracy
was checked by placing the parts over a drawing on a LED-backlit
board. The cant-frames, however, can only be finished, when the
bulkheads have been glued in place. I was happy to see that the Plexiglas-sheet is
dimensionally very accurate and fitting tightly into the milled
slots in the base. This means no particular arrangements need to
be made to ensure that they sit perfectly perpendicular on the
The bulkheads still required a bit of work. I thought it would be
a nice detail to give the future bulwark stanchions a light
chamfer over part of their length. This kind of edge-treatment was
very common on many ship parts for both, aesthetic reason and to
reduce the risk of splintering in case of an impact. It is not
seen very often on models though. To this end I had made the
router table last autumn. A 0.5 mm drill in a collet served as
guiding pin and a small conical burr was used as router. The
length of the chamfer was marked on the stanchions before milling
it freehand. The result is difficult to photograph on the clear
Plexiglas, but will become visible, once the model is being
painted. Another operation was to cut shallow notches for the
wale. The top-edge of the wale is marked in the original drawings
and its width was taking from a table of scantlings of a similar
ship. Having the wale fixed in that way will give a guidance for
the later planking. The notches were cut with a
1 mm x 1 mm fine machine file on the shop-made filing machine. I
was lucky to have been able to find on ebay some years ago whole
boxes of unused machine files in various shapes, dimensions and
cuts. A life-time supply of a tool that is not made anymore.
Milling a chamfer on the
inside of the stanchions on micro-milling machine set-up
as router
Filing notches for the wales
on the shop-made filing-machine
The shop-made
filing-machine in action
of finished bulkheadsCollection of finished bulkheads
08.12.24 - Cutting
out the bulkheads - It
took some time to figure out an efficient and precise way to cut
out the bulkheads form the 1 mm thick acrylic glass.
Unfortunately, the router table did not prove as useful as I
thought, it was difficult to achieve smooth curves, as the cutter
tended to bite into the material. So, I resorted to good old
I also observed that when
sawing and grinding/filing the stuck-on paper frayed and it became
difficult to see the lines. Sticking the template with the printed
face onto the clear acrylic glass instead the usual way solved
that problem. The printed lines were protected to the end by the
acrylic glass and one could work very precisely towards it.
Initially, I also used a
too narrow scroll-saw blade, which tended to wander. Using a
slightly coarser and therefore wider blade sorted that.
The process then was:
cutting strips of acrylic glass just the height of the bulkheads
on the circular saw; cutting out the paper templates with about a
millimetre around them and sticking them onto the acrylic glass
‘face down’; the bulkhead then was roughly cut out on the
scroll-saw. In the next step the part was transferred to the
disc-sander and the outside of the bulkhead was shaped on it; the
final step consisted of draw-filing the inside shape of the
bulkhead with the part held in a small precision-vise. The bottom
edge does not need any work, as the cut with the circular saw is
smooth and exactly perpendicular.
Rough cutting out the bulkhead
on the scroll-saw
Shaping the outside of the
bulkhead on the disc-sander
Filing the inside of the
bulkhead to the line in a precision-vise
24.11.24 - Started to make chips
- There
was still some re-drawing and re-lofting to be done, as I
realised that some parts of the planned back-bone did interfere
with each other and cut-outs for the deckshouses etc. were
missing. I then
did a test-printout in order to detect any scale aberrations of
my laser-printer. It turned out that the printouts were 0.5% too
small, which was corrected by enlarging the drawing before
printing accordingly. Then the printout was spot on with the
desired dimensions.
base of the construction will be a piece of 4 mm thick acrylic
glass. The printout was stuck to the acrylic with a glue-stick
and then crucial intersections of lines and boreholes
punch-marked. The centre-lines for the slots into which the
bulkheads will were scored along the centre with a scalpel.
This will help to align the base for milling.
Layout for the
backbone on
4 mm acrylic glass
Cutting out the
backbone on
Shaping the
backbone with the
micro disc-sander
Milling set-up
the slots for the
Milling the
slots for the
Set-up for
milling the
slots for the
Milling the
slots for the
The back bone with
the slots ready
to take up the
backbone was cut out with my PROXXON scrollsaw, but I am not
terribly good at that, so I ended up quite far away from the
line. However, the micro disc-sander that I build a few years
ago from watchmakers lathe part came to good use here. Different
diamond discs quickly and precisely removed the excess. The
backbone then was screwed down onto a batten that will allow to
safely hold the model in a vice etc. during the building
process. With the aid of this ‘building board’ the backbone was
mounted in a vice on the rotary table of the lathe. It was
checked that the backbone was perfectly perpendicular to the
cutting spindle in all directions. This necessary in order
ensure that the slots have an equal depth everywhere. The bottom
of the slots will be the vertical datum for the alignment of the
bulkheads. Finally the backbone was aligned to the axes of the
milling machine. All the
slots, with the exception of those for the cant-frames were
milled in the same set up, which ensures that the slots are
parallel to each other and the slots for the stem- and sternpost
are at a right angle to the bulkhead.
milling the slots for the can-frames the ‘building-board’ had
to be moved so that centre, where the cant-frames would meet
is roughly in the centre of the milling table. By turning the
rotary table, the slots were aligned to the y-axis of the
milling machine.
After removing the paper template with warm water
and some light deburring the backbone is now ready for the
31.10.24 - Just to keep the ball
- Much
time was spent interpreting the original drawings and to prepare
drawings for the actual building process. Luckily the spacing of
the frames in the body-plan was such that it equalled the
spacing of three frames of the prototype and every third frame
would have been elongated to serve as bulwark stanchion. This
saved a lot of real lofting, as the bulkheads just had to be
copied and the missing details and reference lines needed to be
cant-frames were not drawn and had to be lofted from the
lines- and body-plans. The same for the longitudinal frames
that support the transom and the gilling.
this will be a waterline model, the hull will be constructed
on a base-plate. The base-plate will be 4 mm Plexiglas into
which 1 mm deep slots for the bulkheads and the stem- and
sternpost pieces.
The size of the drawing 190 mm
wide and 145 mm high
The drawings will be stuck
to 1 mm acrylic glass and sawn out.
- The basis for the model reconstruction - The model will
not depict a specific ship, rather the reconstruction will be
for the ‘type’, based on a set of drawings by a Joachim Möller
(who was a builder in Rostock) dated to 1846 and preserved in
the archives of the Rostock Maritime
Museum (see top of the page). It is not known, to which
ship, as they were not named, nor was a client indicated on the
follow the practice of the time and give line and body plans as
well as side elevation/longitudinal section and a sail-plan.
This allows to reconstruct much of the deck-layout and the
dimensioning of the visible woodwork. The sail-plan also
contains a table with the spar dimensions.
Much of the
details of the deck, the rigging and other fittings will have to
be reconstructed from contemporary paintings and photographs of
similar craft that survived into the late 19th or even into our
A valuable
source of information are the books by FRIIS-PEDERSEN (1980 and1983), and FUNCH
(1833 and 1846). Interestingly, the water-colours by
Friis-Pedersen reproduced above show a Rahschlup virtually
identical to that of the plans by Joachim Möller, but I doubt
that Friis-Pedersen had access to these drawings, which were
located in the GDR at the time.
information on contemporary building practice in Germany can be
found in KLAWITTER (1835) and STEINHAUS (1858), which bracket the time, when
this Rahschlup was designed. Masting and rigging details can be
obtained from BOBRIK (1848), BIDDLECOMBE (1848), and STEINHAUS
(1869). The two Danish jagt measured by NIELSEN
(1973) give details on dimensions of scantlings and other parts,
which are useful for upscaling. One should also not forget the
detailed drawings of a Danish jagt in the ‘Souvenirs de la
Marine’ by Pâris.
Other more or
less contemporary (text)books on shipbuilding and rigging will
be also consulted, but with caution, as they typically reflect
the practice in larger ocean-going vessels. However, tables on
spar and rigging proportions are still useful.
11.08.24 - The beginning of a journey - The idea for the
project was conceived back in around 1980, when I became aware of
the 1934 book by SZYMANSKI and the
drawings therein. Unfortunately, the tracing of the original
builder’s plan for the purpose of the book was done very summarily
and all the usual details are missing. I could not locate the
original drawing, as it must have been in the possession of the
builder’s family at the time and is probably lost now.
Lines and sail
plan of a Rahschlup, drawn in 1852
by H.P. Steffen, Lübeck (from SZYMANSKI,
Then in the later 1990s I discovered the drawings
by Joachim Möller in the archives of Rostock Maritime
Museum, who kindly provided me with copies. After a lot of
procrastination and detours I started the S.M.S.
WESPE project, which took much much longer than
anticipated. In between, I made several attempts to redraw the
lines for the purpose of model reconstruction. My oldest files
are still in ClarisWorks … As I am now trying to recuperate the
work I did several years ago, I found it somewhat difficult to
remember what I did at the time and what my intentions were for
drawings by Joachim Möller allow to take off a few key
dimensions, but it does not give the dimensions of the
scantlings. However, the measurements taken by NIELSEN
(1973) off the jagt CASTOR (1867) give a basis for
extrapolation. CASTOR was 48’ between the perpendicles, as
opposed to 64’ for the Rahschlup. It is not known, which foot
Möller used, it could have been the Mecklenburg or the
Rhineland-Prussian, which was in widespread use and is identical
to the Danish one at 314 mm. For convenience sake, I assumed
that it was that latter. Based on the (crude) assumption that
all parts are proportionally bigger in the bigger ship, I
developed a conversion table that shows the upscaled dimension
and the dimensions in the chosen 1/160 scale.
table that calculates the scale dimensions for the
The construction will be plank-on-bulkhead for a waterline model.
Unlike for larger ships, the bulwark stanchions were not separate
members, but every second frame was extended up to the level of
the main rail. Such practice can be seen e.g. in KLAWITTER
(1835). In terms of model construction, this has the advantage,
that the hull shape up to the main rail can be easily defined. On
the other hand, the body plan does not give all the necessary
frame positions, which have to be lofted off the line plan.
Likewise, the cant-timbers in the bow that reach up to the rail
have to be lofted. Contrary to full-scale practice, I will also
introduce ‘cant-frames’ towards the stern to avoid excessive
fairing and bevelling and being able to use one thickness of
I did quite some lofting in my 2D CAD in the past and now have to
go through my older files in order to understand what I did some
years ago and how far I actually got. I tended to work on this
during vacations, when I had no access to the workshop.
The plan is to cut the bulkheads from 1 mm acrylic glass, which
then will be slotted into a solid baseplate of 3 mm acrylic. The
slots will be cut in the milling machine. The stem will also be 1
mm acrylic and its final thickness build up with outer layers of
styrene in order to be able to create a rabbet without the need to
mill it into the solid acrylic.
The rationale behind using acrylic glass
(Plexiglas) is, that it is isotropic, does not have grain, and
holds edges very well. In addition, this material was already in
my storage, while sourcing good-quality hardwood (e.g. boxwood)
in suitable dimensions is difficult, where I am. Also, Plexiglas
does not generate dust, when milled etc. and thus is more
friendly in a workshop that is one corner of my study.
That is how far the planning and the work have preceded to date.
Now back to the drawing-board – or rather the CAD.
Research on German small coastal trading craft
and on this particular type of ship is rather difficult. All
physical evidence has long gone, as have the men who built and
sailed them. The German literature on commercial coastal craft
from the Baltic Sea is quite scarce. Really the only books of
some use are those written by SZYMANSKI
(1929,1934). He was able to travel much of the area post-WWI
to inspect pictorial evidence and collect narrative
recollections from people who witnessed the last few decades
of commercial coastal sail. Some of his tracings of builders'
plans he found at still extant shipyards and with private
individuals are now in the Deutsche Technikmuseum
Berlin, but what has not been in public collections
during WWII is now largely lost. The war and the lack of care
and interest by builders’ and ship owners’ descendants have
taken their toll.
Surprisingly there were very few serious
post-WWII maritime historians in both, Eastern and Western
Germany, as well as in Poland, to which now most of now
Pomerania belongs, who had an interest in commercial coastal
craft. Most historian until today have mainly either an
ethnological or an economic interest in the subject and
typically very little background in and understanding of
shipbuilding. To my knowledge there is no study on the complex
interaction between economic and societal developments,
resources available, and the technological development of the
various coastal ship-building traditions in the 18th and 19th
century. Wolfgang Rudolph is one of those exceptions, but he
was more interested in the smaller artisanal craft. In more
recent years Helmuth Olzsak measured and drew still extant
boats around the Mecklenburg and Pomeranian coast (OLZSAK, 2014), but he was neither a trained
naval engineer nor historian. On the Scandinavian side, both
the source availability and their modern evaluation is
slightly better.
Starting from a wide variety of Baltic craft, as
illustrated for instance by af CHAPMAN
(1768) for the middle of the 18th century, by the 2nd
Quarter of the 19th two types craft seem to have
dominated the group of single-masted vessels: the Jacht
(or jagt in Danish) and the Schlup (or slup in
Swedish and Norwegian). The Jacht was more prevalent
west of Rostock, i.e. in western Mecklenburg and
Schleswig-Holstein (as in Denmark), while the Schlup
occurred more frequently in eastern Mecklenburg and, indeed,
in Pomerania.
The Jacht
has two distinctive features, a very pronounced sheer (less so
in Danish vessels) and a pole-mast, the top of which has a
slight curvature forward. They had a flat, heart-shaped
transom and carried their rudder outboard. The sail plan
consisted of two foresails, a gaff mainsail with a square
gaff-topsail. They usually could also set a large square
foresail flying. These features were kept right to the end of
wooden ship-building at the Baltic coast.
The Schlup
followed more the fashion of deep-water ship-building of the
day. The mast always carried a top-mast. In the 19th century
they were built with little or no sheer and had square or
oval transom above the water, with a rudder inboard. The
sailplan was similar to that of the Jacht, put the gaff
mainsail was usually larger in proportion. She largely
resembled those trading craft that would be called a smack
in British waters.
was also one distinctive version of the Schlup that carried
a single full mast. As the name in German indicates, the Rahschlup
carried a heavier topmast with two topsails. This is a
rather lofty rig for a humble sailing coaster, resembling
the rig of the British naval cutters and the Swedish packets
(CHAPMAN, 1768) of the late 18th and
early 19th century. As their main area of occurrence was
Pomerania, which belonged to Sweden from the days of the
30-Year-War until the Vienna Congress in 1815, they may be
descendants of those Swedish packets that secured the
connection between Stralsund and southern Sweden.
Such rig required at half a dozen men or so to sail her
safely. To the contrary, a Jacht could be handled
comfortably by the master and a mate, or even only a boy
(cf. RUDOLPH, 1958, on crewing). By
the middle of the 19th century, such a rig appears rather
anachronistic and would have been quite uneconomic. However,
it would have had its advantages when working the coastal
lagoons (Bodden, Haff) of Pomerania (now partly in Poland)
and Eastern Prussia (now divided between Poland and the
Russian Federation), as well as the coast of Southern
Sweden. Dunes and rocks overgrown with shrubs and light
woods would blanket near-surface breezes.
Pictorial evidence from the middle of the 19th century
shows a fairly uniform arrangement of loose-footed gaff
mainsail (the gaff being considerably longer than the one on a
Jacht, which would also be curved), a square gaff-topsail set
flying on a light yard, and two (sometime a flying third one
is seen) headsails. Like on the foremast of a
topsail-schooner, there was a main yard below the trestle-tree
and two light yards running on the topmast and spreading two
topsails. A rather large square foresail could be bent to the
main yard. In the earlier days a full complement of lee-sails
may have been carried as shown on various ‘captain’s-paintings
and one or two rare photographs from Norway, where this rig
seems to have survived the longest.
The mast
was supported by three to four fully webbed shrouds and a
couple of backstays set on tackles. The topmast was supported
by shrouds to the trestle-trees only - apparently no backstays
were used. The mast also had the usual complement of stays
leading to the bowsprit and a fixed jibboom. Unlike to what was the fashion in deep-water sail
during the 1840s, the masts of the Rahschlup had virtually no
The Schlup ranged in length between 10 and 25 m with a
width of as much as 7 m and a depth of up to 3.5 m according to
(1929, 1934). The Rahschlup naturally tended to be at the upper
end of the range. She was always built carvel with a medium
sharpness in the waterlines, a rising floor and usually some
tumblehome. The entrance was rather bluff (certainly above the
water), the run with some hollow. The sheer practically
disappeared from the second quarter of the 19th century onward
(as was indeed the fashion with larger seagoing vessels at that
time). The stem was slightly curved or straight with only a
little rake. The sternpost had considerable rake on top of which
sat a gilling and it was crowned by a transom that became
smaller over the time. The rudder ran inside and was nearly
always worked with a tiller.
Typically, the deck was flush, but could also have a
raised quarterdeck, as was usually the case for the Jacht. There
would have have been a small hatch before the mast and a larger
one after the mast. Small companionways provided access to the
crew's quarters between the small hatch and the spill and to the
main cabin in the stern respectively. A small portable caboose
lashed to the deck is often seen on paintings. The compass would
live together with its lights in a housing with sliding doors
lashed to the deck within convenient distance for the helmsman.
Davits over the transom were provided for
stowing the dinghy, which was, however, often towed. On some
Schlups a larger boat was stowed was stowed in chocks on the
main hatch behind the mast.
Mechanical devices to make heavy work easier were, of
course, an anchor spill in association with the post providing
the footing of bowsprit and a cargo winch behind the mast. The
anchor spill followed the technological development of the time
from its simple form with an eight-sided trunk to the more
sophisticated patent or pump-spills of the time. Also, the
simple wooden pumps would make room to the more efficient
cast-iron variety.
Concerning the colour-scheme, the Schlup
would largely follow the fashion of contemporary deep-water
sail (as opposed to the Jacht, which seems to
have been more conservative). The colour scheme developed from
scraped and oiled sides with black wales up to the early years
of the 19th century to one with several strakes in different
pale colours, such as pale blue, green or brown, and white,
while the whale remained usually scraped and oiled. In later
years the whole hull above the water was generally painted
black with white rubbing strakes and sometimes the wale still
scraped and oiled. Below the waterline coal-tar was sufficient
in most cases, as these ships normally would not leave the
Northern European waters.
The inside of the bulwarks often were painted in pale
green, pale blue or pale ochre before the middle of the 19th
century, when white generally became the preference.
Spars would have been either scraped and oiled in their entirety
or would have tops and ends in a colour matching the rest of the
ship, i.e. pale green, blue, ochre, or white.
As was mentioned earlier, their main area of
operation was the Baltic Sea, with journeys round Skagen to
harbours along the German, Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian and British
North Sea coasts. Some may have traded as far as the Mediterranean
(in which case they would have to be sheathed in copper or zinc),
bringing back fruit and wine in exchange for e.g. wheat
(Mecklenburg), hemp and pitch (Baltic states, Russia) or perhaps
salted herring. Bricks (‘Flensborg stone’) and masonry blocks
(from e.g. Bornholm, Gotland and Skane/Southern Sweden) might have
also been commodities of interest for areas, where either the raw
materials (clay) or the fuel (wood) to process them were lacking.
Those registered in
Schleswig or Holstein, however, would have carried the
Danebrog until 1864 and could have traded freely e.g. to the Danish
Westindies, now US Virgin Islands.
are, however, some sites that feature a Jacht, jagt (Danish),
jakt (Swedish) or slup (Norwegian, Swedish) under restauration.
The most interesting site was the one documenting the
restoration of the small Norvegian slup RUTH (1854,,
however the many photos of the process seem to have disappeared
from their Web-site since I downloaded them five years ago. The
restoration project for the Danish Jagt 'JENSINE AF HADERSLEV' (
from 1852 is also interesting, because the photographs show many
original details of such and the steps of reconstructing unsound
or missing parts. It should be noted that all these restorations
altered the original deck-layouts with a view to accommodate the
needs of cruising vessels and modern safety at sea requirements.
A replica of a Danish Jagt has been constructed at the museum shipyard of Flensburg on
the basis of the lines of the DE FIRE BRØDRE (1794), whose lines
are reproduced in NIELSEN (1973). Unfortunately, their Web-site
does not give any details on this project beyond the launch that
took place in 2009. Pictures of her construction can be seen here:
Museum in Hamburg has a fine collection of models of small
19th century merchant ships. These models were constructed in
1/24 scale between 1909 and 1912 from plans in the museum
collection and plans on loan from various shipyards of the
region (TIMMERMANN, 1974) by a boatbuilder, a
blockmaker and a sailmaker. While these models are not
contemporary to their prototypes, their builders were presumably
close enough to the time to have reproduced reasonably well the
then current practices of construction and rigging. Below are
detail pictures of the Schlup ELBE (1836).
Model of the
Schlup ELBE (1836) in
1/24 scale. Built by D. Behrens in Schulau (near
Hamburg) for Hans Oestmann.
She was 24 Commerzlasten/50RT big (Inv. Nr. AB
1813, Altonaer
Museum, Hamburg)
the years more and more museum holdings in terms of drawings and
paintings have been digitised and made available through the
Internet, namely those of the (maritime) museums of Denmark,
Norway, and Sweden. This allowed to consult numerous paintings
of Norvegian and Swedish slups and Danish jagts.
As for graphical resources, most of the literature listed below
has become available as digital copies over the past 20 years,
which allows to consult even rather rare books remotely.
BIDDLECOMBE, G. (1848): The Art of
Rigging.- 155 p., Salem, Ma. (Reprint 1990 by Dover Publication,
New York).
BOBRIK, E. (1846): Handbuch der praktischen
Seefahrtskunde.- Vol. 1-7: 2688 p., 50 pl. Zürich/Hamburg (Julius
Fröbel & Co./Hoffman & Campe).
H. AF (1768): Architectura Navalis Mercatoria.- 103 pp., Rostock
(Reprint 1968 at VEB Verlag Hinstorff).
K., HOFFMANN, R. (1975): Segler von Haff
und Bodden. Pommersche Küstenschiffahrt.- 96 pp.,
Hamburg-Norderstedt (Verlag Egon Heinemann).
[FRIIS-PEDERSEN, J.] (1980): Sejlskibe - Danskbyggede
traeskibbe opmålt, tegnet og fotograferet.- Handels- og
Søfahrtsmuseets på Kronborg Søhistoriske Skrifter IX: 107 pp.,
København (Høst & Søn).
[FRIIS-PEDERSEN, J.] (1983): Sejlskibe - Nordiske
fartøjer opmålt, tegnet og fotograferet.- Handels- og
Søfahrtsmuseets på Kronborg Søhistoriske Skrifter XI: 96 pp.,
København (Høst & Søn).
D.H. (1833-34): Praktisk Skibbyggerie. Et Forsøg.- 76 folding
lithographed plates, including 28 in full color & many
others tinted or heightened in color. 76 pp., 1 leaf of errata;
64 pp.; 223, [4] pp., 1 leaf of errata. Three parts in one vol.,
Kjøbenhavn (Luno & Schneider).
D.H. (1843): Afhandlig af coffardiskibets constructionen. Et
Forsøg.- 2 bd. (6) + 74 + (2) +92 pp., 17 fold. plancher, 9
tabeller og 3 blade med forklarende tekst, Kjøbenhavn (trykt paa
Forfatterens Forlag).
D.H. (1846): Dansk Marine-Ordbog, 1ste Part.- 170 pp. + 67 Pl.,
Kjøbenhavn (Forfatterens Forlag, reprint 1976 by Høst & Søn,
M. (1980): Sluppen Ruth – rapport om restaurering af
Nationalmuseets slup..- Maritim Kontakt, 1: 59-77,
K.G. (1835): Vorlegeblätter für Schiff-Bauer für die Königlichen
Schiffbau-Schulen.- 40 pp., Berlin (Petsch, reprint 1978 by H.
Hamecher, Kassel).
MØLLER, A. (1988): Jagt og skonnert. Studier i
den danske provinssøfart i tiden fra 1814 til 1864.- 273 p.,
København (Forlaget Falcon).
C. (1973): Danske Bådtyper.- 152 pp., København (Høst and Søns
W. (1958): Die letzten hölzernen Frachtfahrzeuge der kleinen
Küstenfahrt auf Rügen (m. Pers.-Literaturangaben u. Abb.).-
Balt. Stud., NF, 45: 137-43.
W. (1958): Die Schiffstypen der ländlichen Frachtschiffahrt in
den Gewässern der Insel Rügen.- Dt. Jb. f. Volksk., IV: , Berlin
W. (1962): Rügischer Schiffbau auf den Werften zu Seedorf.-
Greifswald-Stralsunder Jb.: ?.
W. (1966): Handbuch der volkstümlichen Boote im östlichen
Niederdeutsch-land.- 150 pp., Berlin (Akademie Verlag).
W. (1969): Segelboote der deutschen Ostseeküste.- 145 pp., Berlin
(Akademie Verlag).
STEINHAUS, C.F. (1858): Die Schiffbaukunst
in ihrem ganzen Umfange – I. Theil: Die Theorie der
Schiffbaukunst, II. Theil: Die Schiffbaukunst in der Praktik.-
158+170 pp. + 4 Tafeln, Hamburg (P. Salomon & Co., reprint
1977 by Horst Hamecher, Kassel).
C.F. (1869): Die Construction und Bemastung der Segelschiffe.-
137 pp., Hamburg (L. Friedrichsen & Co., reprint 1977 by
Horst Hamecher, Kassel).
H. (1929): Zur Geschichte der schleswig-holsteinischen Jachten
im 19. Jahrhundert.- Der Kleinschiffbau – Z. f. Gebrauchs- u.
Sportfahrzeuge aller Art, ?: 209f., Berlin.
H. (1929): Die Segelschiffe der deutschen Kleinschiffahrt.-
Pfingstblätter des Hansischen Geschischtsvereins, Bl. XX, 81+XXI
pp., Hamburg.
H. (1934): Deutsche Segelschiffe.- Veröff. Inst. f. Meereskunde,
N.F. B, H. 10: 167 pp. + 92 Taf., Berlin.
G. (1974): Das Schiffbauhandwerk.- Schausammlungen des Altonaer
Museums, H. 1: 93 p., Hamburg (Altonaer Museum).
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