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created 16/08/19

Traditional Boats in the Norsk Maritimt Museum, Oslo

Click on pictures for enlarged images. All images by the author, if not otherwise noted.

(Light conditions in the museum are not very conducive to taking photographs, which accounts for some the images being rather 'noisy')

Firing from Åfjord (Trøndelag) of 1900 - Firings are boats for four pairs of oars and can also raise a square sail

Pram from Holmsbu of 1920 - Prams are a typical Norwegian type of boat from the more sheltered eastern
and southern coasts. They have no keel and their rising bottom makes it easy to pull them up onto the shore.
They are often used as tenders.

Geitbåt (Femring) from Smøla of 1884 - Femring means a boat for five pairs of oars. These boats were built by itinerant
boatbuilders to the order of fishermen, who mostly used them for long-lining.

Færing from Trøndelag of 1870 - A færing is a boat for two pairs of oars.

Churchboat from Hardanger of 1850 - Larger farms kept a bigger boat that held most people of the farm for the Sunday-trip to church.

Modern copies of traditional Norwegian boats at the jetty of the museum

For comparison - Viking-Age boats
(at the time of the visit a multi-media show was put up in the area, where these boats are on display, making it almost impossible to see or photograph them)

The boats from the GOKSTAD-grave in the Vikingskibetshus


Christensen, A.E. (1959): Færingen fra Gokstad.- VIKING, tidskrift for norrøn arkeologi, 23: 57-69, 2 pl., Oslo, https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/37585.

, W. (1996): Das Gokstadschiff und seine Boote.- 76 p., Brilon-Gudenhagen, (Selbstverlag Arbeitskreis historischer Schiffbau e.V.).

Gøthesen, G. (1977): Skagerak-Kysten.- Norske Båter, Bind I: 144 p., Oslo (Grøndahl & Søn Forlag A.S.).

, G. (1980): Norskekystens fraktemen. Om seilfartøyer i kystfart.- Norske Båter, Bind II: 191 p., Oslo (Grøndahl & Søn Forlag A.S.).

KLEPP, A. (1983): Nordlandsbåter og båter fra Trøndelag.- Norske Båter bind IV: 184 p., Oslo (Grøndahl & Søn Forlag A.S.).

Kristiansen, A. (2014): Den Norske Trebåten.- Fortellinger om Kyst-Norge: 46 p., Oslo (Kystverket).

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